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Medical Education Grants

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  • This Medical Education Grant Request Form is REQUIRED to be completed independently by a third party and submitted to Urovant Sciences Medical Affairs for all requested Medical Education Grant funding requests.
  • Medical Education Grants may be provided to independent third parties in support of programs that offer educational opportunities for Healthcare Providers on topics related to Urovant Sciences’ research and business objectives in therapeutic areas in which Urovant Sciences participates or those that are of interest to Urovant Sciences.
  • Urovant Sciences Personnel may not solicit, suggest, or recommend that any individual or entity seek a grant from Urovant Sciences. Except for requests for proposals distributed or authorized by the Urovant Sciences Grant Review Committee, funding requests that are solicited by Urovant Sciences Personnel will be rejected.
  • Medical educational programs must be scientifically rigorous, balanced, free from commercial influence or bias, and conducted in accordance with industry codes.
  • Funding amounts must be reasonable for the activities proposed and grant funds must only be used for the expenses described in the grant application and the resulting agreement.
  • Urovant does not provide medical education grant funding to individual HCPs, physician practices, companies owned by a practicing HCP, and other similar entities.
  • Medical education grant requests and resulting funding decisions are subject to a formal review and approval process by the Urovant Sciences Grant Review Committee.

Requestor Information

All fields required unless noted

All Medical Education Grant requests REQUIRE a description of the proposed program on the requesting organization’s letterhead that includes the amount of the grant support sought.

Tell us what interests you

How interested are you in learning more about the following topics?

The hypothetical role of targeted gene therapy in modulating BK channel expression
The role of beta-3 adrenergic receptor agonists in the treatment of patients with OAB
A comprehensive treatment overview for OAB
Treatment approaches in OAB
Recent publications on vibegron and OAB


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We’ve received your inquiry. Thank you for contacting Urovant Sciences Medical Affairs. We will contact you shortly.


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Urovant Sciences Medical Affairs

This site is intended as an educational resource for U.S. healthcare providers. The content may include information about products or potential uses that have not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

This information is not intended to be promotional or deliver medical advice.

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I’m a U.S. healthcare professional I’m a U.S. patient or caregiver